Solar energy systems are durable and its modules are able to generate solar electricity for over 30 years, which is what makes it such a great investment for you.
Rezeca Renewables
www.rezeca.comName 1 thing that you just need to invest in the upfront cost and it will effortlessly generate expected monthly savings independently for at least 25 years. Solar: A Long-term, High-Yield, Low-Risk Financial Instrument.
Rezeca Renewables
www.rezeca.comA home that is enjoying the bliss of the surrounding greenery at present, is also self-sustaining with green energy to preserve such privileges for the future generations too.
Rezeca Renewables
www.rezeca.comNEED A QUOTE
ReZeca is an experienced solar rooftop EPC that has more than 150 projects completed in Singapore and Thailand. With our extensive expreience in executing rooftop solar projects, we are committed to bringing the highest level of installation quality to all our clients.
It’s not just numbers that defined us as No.1. It’s the satisfaction and value we deliver.
Buildings Solar Powered
Annual Power Generated
Annual CO2 Avoided (tons)